Friday, September 17, 2010

Standards of movements delay

Hey guys, sorry for the delay on the standards of the movements as I am having trouble uploading the videos right now (taking way to much time).  If you have any questions on any of the sections please ask and i will clarify.

jumping squat - full depth (crease of hip below top of patella), feet leave ground on jump
Prowler - push low bar first and then high bars back (find picture of one if you do not know what I mean)
Pull-ups - chin over vertical (up and over bar, chin must be visible on the other side of bar from view below) - this is for Div 1and 2 men and Div 1 females.
Ring rows - feet will be 12 inches in front of rings with heels on floor toes up, rings are 44" high. full extension of arms and pull until rings contact chest or armpits.  No "kipping" the row.
Tire flip - flip tire over
Sled pull and drag - grab sled run it in any fashion possible to cones set-up.  Turn around and pull sled in past the cones with a hand-over-hand method then grab end of rope and run back to the start and repeat the same process of pulling the sled in then grab the rope and run it back to the full extended position.  Then on to tire flip
Triple Clean - division1 - full squat - you may power clean it and front squat it or full squat clean it. Division 2-3 - only a power clean is necessary, but you may squat clean it as well.
KB c&J - arm fully extended on each rep at bottom and top.  Bell does not have to touch the ground on each rep they can be repetitive.  You do not have to switch arms although it may be beneficial to do so.  At the top the top the elbow must be locked out and the shoulder active. 
Wall ball - full depth squat.  the ball must make initial contact with the target and not anywhere else.
Row - for distance / 10 (856m obtained = score of 85.6)

Again - sorry for the delays on videos - please send question if anything is unclear


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