Monday, August 23, 2010

Athlete Profile - Shea "Sherman" T

Name: Shae “Sherman” T.
Age: 30
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 185 pounds
Diane = 3:11
Fran = 3:14
Helen = 8:03
Isabel = 2:33
Jackie = 6:40
Fight Gone Bad 368
Filthy 50 18:28
Max Snatch 205 lb
Max Clean & Jerk 225 lb
Max Back Squat 325 lb
Max Deadlift 370 x5
Consecutive Pull-ups = 42
Consecutive Double-Unders = 201

Shae is from CrossFit Regina and has been there since January of 2009.  We look forward to seeing you at the challenge in September Shae!

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