Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WOD #1 - First come First serve

This is a description of the first workout of the challenge "First come first serve" - as run/obstacle course that all athletes will compete in.  More info will come as the date gets even closer and we hope to have a mock set-up made by Saturday and a video of it set-up so that you get a better feel for how it will play out.


  1. Can't decide whether I'll throw up from excitement, or the workout.

    Gnarly man...

  2. Super stoked that I signed up.
    Looks awesome, Chad!

  3. Awesome. Will be epic if there's mud to crawl through

  4. Questions:

    -Will there be a time cap?

    -If someone is slowing us down on the tires and offers to let us pass, is that allowed?

    -I'm not sure it will be possible given the set-up, but can people throw their sandbag over two hurdles, or is it one throw per hurdle?

    -Did you purposely design this to make me crap myself?

  5. oh my. now i wish i was coming. this looks SO awesome.

  6. Tyler;

    - There is no time cap.
    - yes you can pass if they let you 9on tires) and if you can on hurdles as they are actually 10'long, so a few people can go at once.
    - good luck throwing it over two - they are too far apart.
    - i am not responsible for any "accidents"


  7. Will there be an area in the park for spectators??

  8. Kim Fly -

    Its a park of course there will be room. Lots of it, spectator will crowd around the obstacle course to cheer on runners - it will be a blast.

