Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Athlete Profile - Robin Maier

Name: Robin Maier

Affiliate: CrossFit Regina
Age: 33
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 138lb

Grace: 4:54
Fran: 5:30
Annie: 6:51
Karen: 9:55
Helen: 11:11
Jackie: 11:17
Elizabeth: 15:36
Fight Gone Bad: 253
400m Run: 1:17
500m Row: 1:47
Clean & Jerk: 140lb
Snatch: 110lb
Deadlift: 255lb
Back Squat: 210lb
Max Pull-ups: 29
Max Push-ups: 35
Consecutive DU: 100
Consecutive MU: 5

Favorites: Oly lifts, C2B Pull-ups, Muscle-ups
Goat: Push-ups, Push-ups, Push-ups

Competed in: Qualifiers 2009, Saskatoon SCFC 2009, Sectionals 2010, Regionals 2010, CrossFit Games 2010, as well as 2 Olympic WL meets

About me: I started CrossFitting at age 30 after having 2 kids. I watched Aaron do CrossFit for about 3 years before I finally decided to give it a try. Aaron started coaching me in our basement, we got our level 1 cert together in May 2007 and opened CrossFit Regina in July 2007. My first workout was 10 minute Cindy with ring rows, knee push-ups and air squats - and that is still our introductory workout in our Foundations 1 class. Growing up, I rode horses and read books... I only became an athlete in my 30s. I went from not doing any sports, to competing at the World CrossFit Games with our affiliate team in 2010!

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